Thursday, October 9, 2008

Christopher Columbus- hero,villain?

I think that Christopher Columbus was a hero not necessarily through discovering the new world, but through his determination. He spent many years trying to find someone to support his efforts of discovering new lands. After a long time of few supporters he fell upon Queen Isabel and King Fernando, two Catholic monarchs. Though Christopher Columbus was not the first man to reach the "New World" he was the man who trukly brought about a growth and difference to Europe through the Americas. Before the explorations of Columbus people had been there, but Columbus sparked trade, commerce, competition for new lands and conquering, and much more. Though the discovery of the "New World" was not completely positive, it was a huge step in economic growth for Europe and soon all over the world. It brought new diseases, but it also brought new animals, plants, ideas, religious freedom, and many other positive aspects.Because of Chrstopher Columbus's overwhelming success, he continued to make voyages, and many other followed in his footsteps. Columbus had to work his way to the top to be able to finally be able to pursue his ideas of discovery; I think this makes him a hero. After his first initial discovery his supporters grew although no one believed in him from the begining. After his continuing discoveries and voyages of exploartion Christopher Columbus was named "Great Admiral of the Ocean". Eventually Columbus was named governor and led the people very strongly. He was frequently accussed of ruling tyrannically due to his determination and characteristics of always wanting more. I think that Christopher Columbus was a self made hero. He displayed constant determination and lead to the overwhelming sucess of trade with the New World" and "Old World" and many other aspects of culture, religion, and economy.


ABragg said...

I do not think that he was a hero because nothing he did was good enough to make him a hero but I do understand where you are coming from when you talk about his determnation. His determination would make him more of a role model not someone who saved the world.

KDUBARD said...

I agree that his determination did take him far as an explorer. He desired to be a successful and wealthy man that wanted to be praised for his accomplishments. He did prove many myths to be wrong and his explorations of the New World did lead to an economic growth as well as cultural diversity from the "Old World" to the "New World".

mXbarber said...

What you've stated about Columbus's determination and true intentions do make him out to be a hero for Europe. He did begin the new competition for lands that would spawn new colonies and other settlements which gave many countries better economies. From this perspective, Columbus is hero for trying and finding success in something others would not dare attempt.